leave\ off

leave\ off
1. I
the rain leaves off дождь прекращается; the rain never left off дождь так и не прекратился; begin where another has left off (where one's father left off, etc.) начинать с того, на чем кто-л. и т. д. остановился; leave off! прекратите!, остановитесь!
2. II
leave off at some time where we left off yesterday (last time, etc.) там, где мы вчера и т. д. остановились
3. III
1) leave off smth. /smth. off/1)
leave off work (a bad habit, etc.) бросать работу и т. д.
2) leave off one's winter underwear (one's winter clothes, one's overcoat, etc.) сбрасывать /переставать носить, не надевать/ зимнее белье и т. д.
4. IV
leave off smb. /smb. off/ in some state leave one's widow badly off оставить [после себя] вдову без средств к существованию
5. XIV
leave off doing smth. leave off smoking (drinking, laughing, studying law, biting one's nails, quarrelling, going to church, etc.) переставать /бросать, прекращать/ курить и т.д., it has left off raining дождь прекратился

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "leave\ off" в других словарях:

  • leave off — (doing something) to stop doing something. Mr. Summers finally left off talking and returned to his seat. We ll pick up the story where we left off yesterday …   New idioms dictionary

  • leave off — [v] stop abstain, break off, cease, desist, discontinue, end, give over, give up, halt, knock off*, quit, refrain, surcease; concept 234 Ant. begin, continue, restart …   New thesaurus

  • leave off — ► leave off 1) discontinue or stop. 2) cease to wear. Main Entry: ↑leave …   English terms dictionary

  • leave off — (something) to forget or omit something. All the names beginning with R were left off the list …   New idioms dictionary

  • leave off — index cease, desist, discontinue (abandon), discontinue (break continuity), forbear, interrupt, quit (d …   Law dictionary

  • leave off — verb 1. come to an end, stop or cease (Freq. 2) the road leaves off at the edge of the forest leave off where you started • Hypernyms: ↑discontinue • Verb Frames: Something is ing PP 2. prevent …   Useful english dictionary

  • leave off — phrasal verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms leave off : present tense I/you/we/they leave off he/she/it leaves off present participle leaving off past tense left off past participle left off British informal to stop doing something I wish… …   English dictionary

  • leave off — {v.} To come or put to an end; stop. * /There is a high fence where the school yard leaves off and the woods begin./ * /Don told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother./ * /Marion put a marker in her book so that she would know where… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leave off — {v.} To come or put to an end; stop. * /There is a high fence where the school yard leaves off and the woods begin./ * /Don told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother./ * /Marion put a marker in her book so that she would know where… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • leave\ off — v To come or put to an end; stop. There is a high fence where the school yard leaves off and the woods begin. Don told the boys to leave off teasing his little brother. Marion put a marker in her book so that she would know where she left off.… …   Словарь американских идиом

  • leave off doing something — leave off (doing something) to stop doing something. Mr. Summers finally left off talking and returned to his seat. We ll pick up the story where we left off yesterday …   New idioms dictionary

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